Friday, January 15, 2016


Lucy: is the queen of storytelling.  The boys will all ride in the backseat with her just for the opportunity to hear her tell them the plot of the latest book she's read or movie she's watched.  A trip to the library means everyone will pile onto the couch to listen to Lucy read.  Even Seth joins in, although he likes to have his own book to hold.  

Max: is camera shy. Actually, he's camera angry.  He doesn't like his picture taken.  Ever.  So the top of his head while he plays table chess with Lucy is what I have to settle for.  He is a master game player and will challenge any person to any game, any time.  

Logan: had a run in this week. Boy vs bunkbed.  The boy lost and he and I took a trip to urgent care for 5-stitches.  The doctors and nurses all commented on how brave he was and how well he held still. His nickname is beast and he has the highest pain tolerance of all my children.  He cried and cried when it happened, but then it was time to face facts and he sat still to bear it.  Highest pain tolerance, lowest patience level.  

Seth: has been mighty sick all week.  Fever, and fussiness and lethargic.  We finally went to the dr to find he had a major ear infection and the antibiotics seem to be helping.  Thank goodness! 

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