Thursday, January 7, 2016


Lucy: she loves Christmas and Christmas break.  Any chance to live in her pjs and sleep in until 10.  She's a teenager before her time.  But if she is allowed to sleep till 10 she's happy ALL DAY. 

Max: has partied hard this break and has started the new year with a cough and headache.  Even sledding couldn't bust him out of his funk.  Which tells me it's legit.  

Logan: is also feeling under the weather but couldn't be slowed down.  He's happy to be on break and getting maximum sibling time that is usually interrupted by school.  By the end of the week his hulk attitude needs him to be back in routine.  

Seth: has loved having everyone around and is adapting well to a looser schedule.  And because he's adapting well, I am too. Most days he's yanked out of his bed, shoved into his snowsuit and dragged to some event or another.  But he smiles on.  We even went so far as to let him try jello!  He followed up each bite with delighted 'oohs'.  

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