Sunday, May 29, 2016


Lucy: one of the perks of my callings as an activity days leader is getting some one on one time with Lucy.  Plus I get to watch her interact with her peers.  Most of the time they're silly and weird, but I love seeing her be so free with herself.  I love that she's confident enough to be silly and not worry.  I don't know where she gets it from.  Maybe all kids start with it and she hasn't lost it yet.  Now the trick is for me to make sure it sticks.  

Max: this guy has a new retainer.  It's extra care in brushing.  Keeping it safe when it's out of his mouth.  Adjustments.  And appointments every 2 weeks.  But the end result will hopefully be more space for all of his teeth.  

Logan: has had the most eventful week out of all the kids.  Tuesday morning on the way to school he asked me if I had ever broken a bone.  And then we talked about broken bones and who's had them.  It's weird how these things work out.  That night while trying to jump off his cousins trampoline, he stumbled and landed with his arm between himself and the ground and broke both bones in his forearm.  A quiet BBQ turned into a trip to urgent care, which then turned into a trip to the children's hospital emergency room.  He was sedated to set and cast the bone.  He was loopy and really funny coming out of sedation and said he missed his old parents.  He was such an amazing trooper the whole time.  He was upset when they had to do his IV twice because the first time they blew a vein.  And he was upset when they had to set it at second time (using the cast saw and a wedge while he was on laughing gas because one bone didn't set properly and he just wanted to go home!) but a few days later and he's happy and feeling fine...except he has a big cast to lug around.  His pain tolerance is ridiculous.  

Seth: we're battling teething again, and his extreme desire to do everything he's not supposed to.  And say 'pizza' every time we try to say prayers.  But he's still cute.  And we will work through this 18-month hijinx!  

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