Monday, May 9, 2016


Lucy: we celebrated Lucy turning 11 this week.  11!  It's bizarro.  One more year and she will be out of primary and on to young women's.  I feel like I'm just getting settled into the primary routine and one of my kids is getting ready to graduate.  We picked her and Max up from school and surprised them by taking them swimming at a hotel downtown while dad was in meetings.  We had slurpees.  She had a potato-themed dinner.  And lots of presents.  On the weekend she had her birthday party.  4 girls are much louder than 8 boys.  But my kids are at the age where they entertain themselves so while she parties, I read.  Maybe getting older isn't so bad.  

Max: surprised me for Mother's Day by giving me a book of poems.  It was sweet.  We pretty much don't talk much. Well, I talk, and he does a lot of grunting or shrugging.  And he spent most of Mother's Day with his cousins, but I try not to take it personally and assume he will come to me when needed...and not just for food.  

Logan: Tyler suggested the possibility of going camping with the boys Friday night while Lucy had her party.  The mere suggestion had Logan in an excited sweat, so there was no turning back.  When he got home from school Friday he asked f it was camping time yet...every ten minutes until dad got home.  It was good for them to have some one-on-one time. 

Seth:  we are working (and struggling) with reverence.  Sometimes he tries SO here.  And other times he tries SO hard to be a pest.  There's no middle ground.  But when he is reverent he's so cute it makes it hard for the rest of us.  

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